I retired from Lafayette College in June, 2012.
Remember what the immortal Josh Billings said:
“It ain’t what a man don’t know as makes him a fool, but what he does know as ain’t so.”
Holliday, C.W., 1989-present. A Handbook for Research Students, Department of Biology, Lafayette College. Until 1995, this handbook was updated yearly and distributed in printed form to Departmental research students and their faculty mentors. In 1996 it was enlarged, rearranged and placed on our departmental www page.
Publications on the WWW:
1.http://departments.lafayette.edu/biology Home page for the Department of Biology, Lafayette College, which I overhauled in 1998 and maintained until 2011.
2.http://web.archive.org/web/20140712133057/http://sites.lafayette.edu/hollidac/ My archived personal www page, including:
a)http://web.archive.org/web/20131224110302/http://sites.lafayette.edu/hollidac/research/biology-of-cicada-killer-wasps/ An archived summary of my studies of the biology of the cicada-killer, Sphecius speciosus, and,
b)http://web.archive.org/web/20131225212616/http://sites.lafayette.edu/hollidac/links-for-fun/jackalopes/ An archived page on the factual basis for the jackalope legend (Shope papillomavirus tumors).
42 years of Refereed Papers
(Where are the two white mice?):
1. Holliday, C.W. (1978). Glucose absorption by the bladder of the crab, Cancer magister (Dana). Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 61A: 73-79. (Ph.D. Dissertation research).
2. Holliday, C.W. (1980). Magnesium transport by the urinary bladder of the crab, Cancer magister. J. Exp. Biol. 85: 187-201. (Ph.D. Dissertation research).
3. Neufeld, G.J., C.W. Holliday and J.B. Pritchard (1980). Salinity adaptation of gill Na, K-ATPase in the blue crab, Callinectes sapidus. J. Exp. Zool. 211: 215-224.
4. Holliday, C.W. and D.S. Miller (1980). PAH transport in rock crab (Cancer irroratus) urinary bladder. Am. J. Physiol. 238: R311-R317.
5. Holliday, C.W., D.L. Mykles, R.C. Terwilliger and L.J. Dangott (1980). Fluid secretion by the midgut caeca of the crab, Cancer magister. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 67A: 259-263.
6. Holliday, C.W. and D. S. Miller (1982). PAH transport in rock crab urinary bladder. II. Luminal and serosal steps. Am. J. Physiol. 242: R25-R29.
7. Miller, D.S. and C.W. Holliday (1982). HgCl2 inhibition of L-leucine transport in hamster placenta. Environ. Res. 28: 32-38.
8. Miller, D. S. and C.W. Holliday (1982). PAH secretion in the urinary bladder of a crab, Cancer borealis. Am. J. Physiol. 243: R147-R151.
9. Holliday, C.W. and D.S. Miller (1984a). Cellular mechanisms of organic anion transport in crustaceans. Am. Zool. 24: 275-284.
10. Holliday, C.W. and D.S. Miller (1984b). PAH excretion in two species of cancroid crab (Cancer irroratus and Cancer borealis). Am. J. Physiol. 246: R364-R368.
11. Holliday, C.W. (1985). Salinity-induced changes in gill Na, K-ATPase activity in the mud fiddler crab, Uca pugnax. J. Exp. Zool. 233: 199-208.
*12. D’Orazio, S.E. and C.W. Holliday (1985). Gill Na, K-ATPase and osmoregulation in the sand fiddler crab, Uca pugilator. Physiol. Zool. 58: 364-373.
*13. Greco, T.M., M.B. Alden and C.W. Holliday (1986). Control of hemolymph volume by adjustments in urinary and drinking rates in the crab, Cancer borealis. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 84A: 695-701.
14. Miller, D.S. and C.W. Holliday (1987). Organic cation secretion by Cancer borealis urinary bladder. Am. J. Physiol. 252: R153-R159.
15. Holliday, C.W. (1988). Branchial Na, K-ATPase and osmoregulation in the isopod, Idotea wosnesenskii. J. Exp. Biol. 136: 259-272.
*16. Thompson, W.E., P.J. Molinaro, T.M. Greco, J.B. Tedeschi and C.W. Holliday (1989). Regulation of hemolymph volume by uptake of sand capillary water in desiccated fiddler crabs, Uca pugilator and Uca pugnax. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 94A: 531-538.
17. Holliday, C.W., D.B. Roye and R.D. Roer (1990). Salinity-induced changes in branchial Na, K-ATPase activity and transepithelial potential difference in the brine shrimp, Artemia salina. J. Exp. Biol. 151: 279-296.
*18. Sarver, R.G., M.A. Flynn and C.W. Holliday (1994). Renal Na, K-ATPase and osmoregulation in the crayfish, Procambarus clarkii. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 107A: 349-356.
19. Wright, J.C., C.W. Holliday and M.J. O’Donnell. (1994). Na, K-ATPase activity in the pleopods and hindgut-rectum of terrestrial isopods: implications for colligative water vapor absorption. J. Crustacean Biol 14: 522-529.
20. De Vries, M.C., D.L. Wolcott and C.W. Holliday (1994). High ammonia and low pH in urine of the ghost crab, Ocypode quadrata. Biol. Bull. 186: 342-348.
*21. Corotto, F.S. and C.W. Holliday (1996). Branchial Na,K-ATPase and osmoregulation in the purple shore crab, Hemigrapsus nudus (Dana). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 113A: 361-368.
*22. McLaughlin, R., N. Firooznia and C.W. Holliday (1996). Branchial Na, K-ATPase activity and osmotic and ionic regulation in the Thai crab, Pseudosesarma moeschi. J. Penn. Acad. Sci. 70: 46-52.
23. Coelho, J. R. and C. W. Holliday (2001). Effects of size and flight performance of intermale mate competition in the cicada killer, Sphecius speciosus Drury (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae). Journal of Insect Behavior 14(3): 345-351. Abstract
24. Holliday, C. W. and J. R. Coelho (2006). Improved key to the New World species of Sphecius (Hymenoptera : Crabronidae). Annals of the Entomological Society of America 99: 793-798.
25. Coelho, J.C., C.W. Holliday, J. M. Hastings, E. Maty, M. Swigart, A. Mendell (2007). Thermoregulation in male western cicada killers (Sphecius grandis Say) in the Chihuahuan desert. Journal of Thermal Biology 32(5): 270-275.
26. Coelho, J. R., C. W. Holliday and J. M. Hastings (2008). Evolution of hind-tibial spurs in female eastern cicada killers: Effects of digging rate on fitness estimates. Ecological Entomology 33(3): 403-407.
27. Hastings, J. M., P. J. Schultheis, M. K. Whitson, C. W. Holliday, J. R. Coelho and A. M. Mendell (2008). DNA Barcoding Applied to New World Cicada-Killer Wasps (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae). Zootaxa 1713: 27-38.
28. Coelho, J.R., J.M. Hastings, C.W. Holliday, G. Flure and K. Barnes (2008). Sexual dimorphism of the femora, tibiae and hind tibial spurs in the eastern cicada killer, Sphecius speciosus Drury (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae). Entomological News 119(1): 11-18.
29. Coelho, J. R., J.M. Hastings, C.W. Holliday and A. Mendell (2008). Optimal and suboptimal load carriage during foraging in two species of solitary wasps. Journal of Hymenoptera Research 17: 57-63. Abstract
30. Hastings, J.M., J.R. Coelho, C.W. Holliday (2008). Mating at high population density in a colonial territorial wasp, Sphecius speciosus Drury (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae). Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 81(3): 301-308.
31. Hastings, J. M. , C.W. Holliday and J. R. Coelho (2008). Body size relationship between cicada killers, Sphecius speciosus Drury (Hymenoptera : Crabronidae), and their prey: Does prey size determines wasp size? Florida Entomologist 91(4): 657-663.
32. Holliday, C.W., J. M. Hastings and J.R. Coelho (2009). Cicada prey of New World cicada killers, Sphecius spp. (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae). Entomological News 120(1), 1-17.
33. J. Hastings, C. Holliday, A. Long, K. Jones and A. Grayson. Size-specific provisioning by cicada killers, Sphecius speciosus, (Hymenoptera : Crabronidae) in north Florida (2010). Florida Entomologist 93(3): 412-421.
34. J.R. Coelho, C.W. Holliday, and J. M. Hastings (2011). The geographic distributions of cicada killers (Sphecius) in the New World. The Open Entomology Journal 5: 31-38.
35. J.R. Coelho, J. M. Hastings, C.W. Holliday (2012). Near-optimal foraging in the Pacific cicada killer Sphecius convallis Patton (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae). Insects 3: 133-140.
36. J.R. Coelho, C.W. Holliday, J.M. Hastings, C.M. Phillips (2016), Thermal biology of Pacific cicada killers, Sphecius convallis Patton, in the Upper Sonoran Desert. Journal of Thermal Biology 57: 101-109.
37. J.R. Coelho, C.W. Holliday, J.M. Hastings (2019), Intra- and Interspecific Prey Theft in Cicada Killers (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Sphecius). Journal of Insect Science 19(1): 13; 1-7.
38. J. R. Coelho, J. M. Hastings, C. W. Holliday (2020). Nesting ecology of the Pacific cicada killer, Sphecius convallis Patton (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae), in the Sonoran Desert. Journal of Hymenoptera Research 80: 177-191.
* Lafayette Student Coauthors
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Short Communications and Abstracts:
1. Holliday, C.W. (1977). A new method for measuring the urinary rate of a brachyuran crab. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 58A: 119-120. (Ph.D. Dissertation research)
2. Holliday, C.W. (1977). Glucose reabsorption by the bladder of the crab, Cancer magister. (abstract). Paper presented at the 58th Annual Meeting of the Western Society of Naturalists (Best Paper Award; Ph.D. Dissertation research).
3. Holliday, C.W. (1978). Magnesium transport by the bladder of the crab, Cancer magister. Am. Zool. 18: 577 (abstract). Paper presented at 1978 annual meeting of American Society of Zoologists, Richmond, VA. (Ph.D. Dissertation research)
4. Holliday, C.W. and D.S. Miller (1979). Transport of organic acids in rock crab (Cancer irroratus) urinary bladder. Fed. Proc. 38: 1046 (abstract). Paper presented at 1979 annual meeting of the Federation of American Societies of Experimental Biology, Atlanta, GA.
5. Pritchard, J.B., C.W. Holliday and G.J. Neufeld (1979). Gill Na, K-ATPase, osmoregulation, and DDT toxicity in the blue crab. Environ. Health Persp. 33: 326 (abstract).
6. Holliday, C.W., B. Schmidt-Nielsen, E. Swensen and T.H. Maren (1979). Acidification of the urine by the urinary bladder of the female little skate, Raja erinacea. Bull. Mt. Desert Isl. Biol. Lab. 19: 52-53.
7. Holliday, C.W., D.L. Mykles, R.C. Terwilliger and L.J. Dangott (1979). Fluid secretion by crab midgut caeca. Am. Zool. 19: 996 (abstract). Paper presented at 1979 annual meeting of the American Society of Zoologists, Tampa, FL.
8. Miller, D.S., C.W. Holliday and J.D. Ferraris (1980). PAH transport in the renal system of a crab. Renal Physiol. 2: 166 (abstract).
9. Holliday, C.W., D.S. Miller, J.D. Ferraris and M.R. Ratner (1980). Renal handling of PAH in the rock crab (Cancer irroratus) and the Jonah crab (Cancer borealis). Bull. Mt. Desert Isl. Biol. Lab. 20: 74-75.
10. Miller, D.S., D. Brier-Russell and C.W. Holliday (1981). HgCl2 inhibition of amino acid transport in hamster placental slices. Fed. Proc. 40: 714 (abstract).
11. Holliday, C.W. and D.S. Miller (1981). p-Aminohippuric acid (PAH) transport steps in crab (Cancer irroratus) urinary bladder. Fed. Proc. 40: 463 (abstract). Paper presented at 1981 annual meeting of the Federation of the American Societies of Experimental Biology, Dallas, TX.
12. Miller, D.S. and C.W. Holliday (1981). Net secretion of p-aminohippuric acid (PAH) in the urinary bladder of a crab (Cancer borealis). Physiologist 24: 109 (abstract).
13. Holliday, C.W. (1983). Salinity-induced changes in gill Na, K-ATPase in the fiddler crab, Uca pugnax. Am. Zool. 23: 953 (abstract). Paper resented at 1983 annual meeting of the American Society of Zoologists, Philadelphia, PA.
*14. Gallo, G.J., B. Fried and C.W. Holliday (1984). Effects of desiccation on survival and hemolymph osmolality of the freshwater snail, Helisoma trivolvis. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 78A: 295-296.
*15. D’Orazio, S.E. and C.W. Holliday (1984). Salinity-induced changes in gill Na,K-ATPase in the fiddler crab, Uca pugilator. Proc. Penn. Acad. Sci. 58: 117 (abstract). Student paper presented at 1984 annual meeting of Pennsylvania Academy of Science, Champion, PA.
*16. Greco, T.M. and C.W. Holliday (1985). The role of kidney and gut in hemolymph volume regulation in the crab, Cancer borealis. Proc. Penn. Acad. Sci. 59: 77-78 (abstract). Student paper presented at 1985 annual meeting of Pennsylvania Academy of Science, Harrisburg, PA.
17. Holliday, C.W. (1985). Using “Human”, a comprehensive physiological model, in teaching undergraduate physiology courses. Computers in Life Science Education 2: 41-43.
18. Holliday, C.W. (1985). Na, K-ATPase activity and hypoosmoregulation in the brine shrimp, Artemia salina. Am. Zool. 25: 138A (abstract). Paper presented at 1985 annual meeting of the American Society of Zoologists, Baltimore, MD.
19. Holliday, C.W. (1986). Pleopod Na,K-ATPase activity and osmoregulation in the intertidal valviferan isopod, Idotea wosnesenskii. Abstracts of the 30th Congress of the International Union of Physiological Sciences, Vancouver, B.C., 1986. Poster presentation.
20. Miller, D.S. and C.W. Holliday (1986). Organic cation secretion by crab renal tissue. Abstracts of the 30th Congress of the International Union Physiological Sciences, Vancouver, BC., 1986. Poster presentation.
21. Miller, D.S., J.B. Pritchard and C.W. Holliday (1986). Crab urinary bladder as a model for renal proximal tubule. Abstracts of the Satellite Symposium on Membrane Transport and Control (30th Congress of the International Union of Physiological Sciences), Banff, AL, 1986. Poster presentation.
22. Holliday, C.W. and B. Fried (1986). Some physiolgical effects of Sanguinicola fontinalis (Trematoda: Sanguinicolidae) infection in the brook trout, Salvelinus fontinalis. J. Parasit. 72: 189-190.
*23. Thompson, W.E., T.M. Greco and C.W. Holliday (1986). Hemolymph volume regulation by uptake of soil capillary water in desiccated fiddler crabs, Uca pugnax and Uca pugilator. Proc. Penn. Acad. Sci. 44: 15 (abstract). Student poster presentation at 1986 annual meeting of Pennsylvania Academy of Science, Champion, PA.
*24. Corotto, F.S.G. and C.W. Holliday (1986). Gill Na, K-ATPase activity and hyperosmoregulation in the intertidal grapsid crab, Hemigrapsus nudus. Proc. Penn. Acad. Sci. 44: 18 (abstract). Student paper presented at 1986 annual meeting of Pennsylvania Academy of Science, Champion, PA.
*25. Thompson, W.E., T.M. Greco and C.W. Holliday (1987). Regulation of hemolymph volume by uptake of sand capillary water in desiccated fiddler crabs. Am. Zool. 27: 129A (abstract). Poster presentation at 1987 annual meeting of the American Society of Zoologists, New Orleans, LA.
*26. Sarver, R.G., M.A. Flynn and C.W. Holliday (1988). Renal Na, K-ATPase activity and osmoregulation in the crayfish, Procambarus clarkii. Am. Zool. 28: 20A (abstract). Poster presentation at the 1988 annual meeting of the American Society of Zoologists, San Francisco, CA.
27. Miller, D.S., J.B. Pritchard, R. Walden, D. Brier and C.W. Holliday (1990). Organic anion transport mechanisms in urinary bladders from male and female Cancer borealis. Bull. Mt. Desert Isl. Biol. Lab. 29: 53-55.
*28. Patman, V. and C.W. Holliday (1990). Gill Na, K-ATPase and osmoregulation in the isopod, Ligia exotica. Am. Zool. 30: 63A (abstract). Poster presentation at the 1990 annual meeting of the American Society of Zoologists, San Antonio, TX.
*29. Salt, G.L. and C. W. Holliday (1992). Ecology of the cicada-killer, Sphecius speciosus. Proceedings of the Sixth National Conference on Undergraduate Research 3: 1399-1404. Student poster presentation, University of Minnesota at Minneapolis, March 26, 1992.
*30. Corotto , F.S.G. and C.W. Holliday (1992). Hyperosmoregulation and branchial Na,K-ATPase in the crab, Hemigrapsus nudus. Am. Zool. 32: 50A (abstract). Poster presentation at the 1992 annual meeting of the American Society of Zoologists, Vancouver, BC.
*31. Levetter, K.J., Majumdar, A.K. and C.W. Holliday (1994). An observational study of the cicada-killer wasp, Sphecius speciosus. Proc. Penn. Acad. Sci. 68: 22 (abstract). Student poster presented at 1994 annual meeting of Pennsylvania Academy of Science, Mt. Airy Lodge, PA.
*32. Levetter, K.J. and Majumdar, A.K. and C.W. Holliday (1994). An observational study of the cicada-killer wasp, Sphecius speciosus. Proceedings of the Eighth National Conference on Undergraduate Research 8: 933-937. Student poster presentation.
*33. McLaughlin, R. and C.W. Holliday (1994). Osmoregulation and Na, K-ATPase Activity in the Gills of the Thai crab, Pseudosesarma moeschi. Am. Zool. 35 : 33A (abstract). Poster presented at the 1994 annual meeting of the American Society of Zoologists, St. Louis, MO.
34. Holliday, C.W. (1998). A protocol for silver staining ion transport epithelia of whole animals and excised organs. Microscopy Today 6(1): 13.
35. Japuntich, D.A. and C.W. Holliday (2001). Jackalopes: Horn-like growths on rabbits and hares is a real disease. Journal of the Professional Rabbit Meat Association 2 (May-June): 23.
36. Hastings, J.M., P.J. Schultheis, M.K., Whitson, C.W. Holliday, J.R. Coelho. and A.M. Mendell (2007). 62 DNA sequences of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I subunit (COX-I) genes of four New World species of the cicada killer genus Sphecius: S. convallis (sequences from 14 wasps), S. grandis (25 wasps), S. speciosus (21 wasps, see link below) and S. spectabilis (2 wasps). Published on the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) Taxonomy Home Page http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?db=Nucleotide&cmd=Search&dopt=DocSum&term=txid7487[Organism:noexp]
37. Holliday, C.W., J.R. Coelho and J.M. Hastings (2010). Conspecific kleptoparasitism in Pacific cicada killers,Sphecius convalis (Hymenoptera : Crabronidae): Partially provisioned nest cells are appropriated in situ by other females. Poster presented at the 2010 annual meeting of the Entomological Society of America, San Diego, CA. Get a 623 KB .pdf of the poster here.
* Lafayette Student Coauthors
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